Cover Reveal – Letters From Johnny

Letters From Johnny by Wayne Ng- Book Cover

I had the power play unit working on the cover of my new novel, Letters From Johnny. And I’m pretty darned happy with the result. 

It was my wife Trish Lucy, who concocted the tasteful simplicity of the design that draws the viewer to the title, then to Johnny in action, with his iconic Toronto Maple Leafs jersey (#14 for Dave Keon).

Adding the date on the blackboard to give the novel an immediate historical context was my slapshot into the five hole.

However, the challenge of turning Trish’s vision into something concrete fell into the hands of my gifted fourteen year old nephew, Avery Ng

Profile picture of Avery Ng in BW taken by his brother Matthew Ng
Avery Ng (Photo credit goes to his big brother, Matthew Ng)

Avery diligently played with angles and lighting and got the tone and texture just right to include all of the necessary elements to create this engaging illustration. 

My god-daughter Erica Russell, an art consultant, also provided her skillful advice and direction throughout. 

A great book cover is so important. There are geniuses with creative savvy who do this for a living and I was lucky to have David Moratto captain mine to pull everything together to design the final effect.

So many thanks to my great team for scoring a winning book cover for Letters From Johnny, and to Guernica Editions for launching it in the Spring of 2021.

Cheers, Wayne