Ricepaper Magazine Publishes Short Story

The Feast of Peleus. Artist Sir Edward Burne-Jones

Wayne is thrilled that Ricepaper Magazine, a literary magazine that he has always admired and respected, has published his short story, Julian’s Feast: a dark, thriller about the macabre lengths we go through to fit in. 

Cannibalism was an exercise his writing group played with many years ago. Though it won a second place at the National Capital Writing Contest in 2007, the initial revulsion and horror it elicits likely kept it from being published. However, Wayne persisted and Ricepaper Magazine appreciated the allegory of racialized outsiders longing for respect in a world resistant to change.

Published just in time for the holidays, Julian’s Feast is a wonderful side dish to Thanksgiving where humans are on the menu. 

A more sizable entree, Letters From Johnny, will be served April 2021 by Guernica Editions

Bon appetit!