Milton Public Library Event

An Evening with Wayne Ng, Monday May 3, 2021 at 7pm. Milton Public Library event poster, featuring a picture of Wayne Ng and his novel "Letters From Johnny"

An evening with author Wayne Ng at the Milton Public Library

Click here to watch the recording of this event.

Monday, May 03, 2021 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Join Milton Public Library for a virtual and engaging discussion with author Wayne Ng to discuss his new novel Letters from Johnny.

Set in Toronto 1970, just as the FLQ crisis emerges to shake an innocent country, eleven year old Johnny Wong shares a room with his Chinese immigrant mother in a neighbourhood of American draft dodgers and new Canadians. In a span of a few weeks his world seesaws. He is befriended by Rollie, one of the draft dodgers who takes on a fatherly and writing mentor role. Johnny’s mother is threatened by the children’s warfare society. Meany Ming, one of the characters by the rooming house is found murdered. He suspects the feline loving neighbour, the Catwoman. Inspired by an episode of Mannix, he tries to break into her house. Ultimately he is betrayed but he must act to save his family. He discovers a distant kinship with Jean, the son of one of the hostages kidnapped by the FLQ who have sent Canada into a crisis.