Media Kit

Wayne Ng – Author Photo

Author photo of Wayne Ng. A head and shoulders shot of Wayne Ng in a black shirt with a grey collar against a red brick background.

Wayne Ng – Bio

Wayne Ng was born in Anishinaabe land in what is commonly known as downtown Toronto to Chinese immigrants who fed him a steady diet of bitter melon and kung fu movies. Ng is a social worker who lives to write, travel, eat, and play, preferably all at the same time. He is an award-winning author and traveller who continues to push his boundaries from the Arctic to the Antarctic. He lives in Ottawa with his wife and goldfish.

Ng is the author of Letters From Johnny (winner of the Crime Writers of Canada Award for Best Crime Novella and Ottawa Book Award finalist); Johnny Delivers (recommended by The Globe and Mail and CBC Books); and The Family Code (Ottawa Book Award and Guernica Prize finalist). 

Connect with Ng on social media and at



Letters From Johnny Book Cover with Photo of Wayne Ng


Wayne Ng with Books

Photo of Wayne Ng and 3 book covers: Letters from Johnny, Johnny Delivers and The Family Code.