JOHNNY DELIVERS The Globe and Mail again

Margaret Cannon, The Globe and Mail review of Johnny Delivers by Wayne Ng “Not to be missed! Ng excels at character-building and dialogue and he’s got style to burn.”

🍁Wayne is delighted that THE GLOBE AND MAIL’s Margaret Cannon says “he’s got style to burn” in her glowing review of JOHNNY DELIVERS!  

Margaret Cannon’s review of JOHNNY DELIVERS in THE GLOBE AND MAIL

Johnny Delivers, Wayne Ng (Guernica Editions, 283 pages)

This delightful novel is Ng’s fourth. It’s a sequel to his second book, Letters From Johnny, which won the Crime Writers of Canada Best Novella Award. I loved that book and this one is far better. Ng excels at character-building and dialogue and he’s got style to burn. Add all that to a vision of a vanished Toronto – the seventies, when Yorkville was skid row and Chinatown began and ended at Dundas and Spadina. It’s all here along with a great plot about a pair of kids peddling pot.

Johnny’s family is in trouble. His mother has run up a lot of debt and his aunt, who runs the local mah-jong parlour, holds the notes. The family restaurant, which is, incidentally, also the family home, is security. It appears that they could lose everything and end up, literally, in the streets.

Johnny’s solution is to get some more income by delivering weed, at a time when selling pot was seriously illegal. Ng gets that frisson of fear, the idea of a good Chinese kid ending up in reform school like his buddy Barry, who got him into the business. This is a wonderful trip to old Toronto, full of laughs and a tear or two. Not to be missed and I look forward to more from Ng as Johnny grows up.”

Read the full GLOBE AND MAIL article: Six new mystery books to help shake off the chill.

💫LETTERS FROM JOHNNY and JOHNNY DELIVERS are available wherever books are bought or borrowed. Don’t miss out on this thrilling series, get your copies today and enjoy the ride!