Margo LaPierre Editors Canada Award Finalist

Picture of Margo LaPierre. Finalist for the 2024 Tom Fairley Award for editorial excellence in the editing of The Family Code by Wayne Ng. Novel cover is pictured beside Margo.

✨Congratulations to the extraordinary Margo LaPierre for being a finalist for the 2024 Tom Fairley Award for editorial excellence, presented by Editors Canada to an exceptional editor.

Margo played a pivotal role in the success of my novel, THE FAMILY CODE, published by Guernica Editions in 2023. BRAVO!

Thank you, Margo, for your superb editing and for making me a better writer.

Excerpt from my letter of support to Editors Canada for Margo LaPierre:

“A successful and productive editor-author dyad resembles the therapist and client twosome. An editor or therapist can offer decades of experience, training, wisdom, and know-how. But it all comes down to trust and the quality and state of their relationship. If it’s present, you have synchronicity, or what therapists call a therapeutic alliance.

We would develop rapport, cultivate empathy and understand the collaborative nature of the partnership with clearly stated roles. There would be a synergy and a mutual investment in achieving the best possible outcome.“

Get your copy of THE FAMILY CODE now!